Make a Difference
Hatton W. Sumners left his personal estate to fund scholarships and programs that would result in an educated and informed citizenry.
Donation Portal + Lifetime Donors + Planned Giving +Lifetime Donors
Following in the footsteps of Congressman Sumners, these individuals and companies are paying it forward to provide others with the Sumners Experience.
< $999
- Andrews-Cox, Jennifer
- Autrey, Joni
- Bailey, Madeline
- Baker, Amanda
- Barksdale, Bonita
- Bender, Jean Hagerty
- Bennett, Charles
- Bigelow, Richard
- Blocker, William
- Bomgardner, John
- Boulware, Elizabeth Landes
- Bozalis, Lynn S.
- Brumfield, Kristi
- Bryan, Jeffrey
- Burchfield, Ande
- Bustion, Donald
- Carter, Nia
- Carvalho, Donna
- Carver, Sherri
- Cleary, Seth
- Cooley, Natalie Parker
- Cramer, James
- Cullins, Danny
- Culpepper, Gina Robeen
- Dauphinot, Lee Ann
- Dilley, Tara
- Domnick, Kyle
- Dore', Laurie Lynn Kratky
- Durso, Angelo
- Durso, Kathleen
- Eisen, William
- Evans, Jay
- Fields, Joseph
- Foley, Timothy
- Foster, Keri Williams
- Galloway, Debra
- Gilson, James
- Glenn, Peggy
- Gudmundsen, Richard Andrew
- Guerrero, Analicia
- Guerrero, Tina
- Gunning, Vicky
- Haas, Isaac
- Harrison, Orrin
- Higgins, Jesse
- Hinson, Kelli
- Hixon, Carrie
- Holland, Elizabeth
- Huselton Morgan, and Maltsby
- Jarolik, Jennine
- Jasso, Ivette
- Johnson, Emily
- Joiner, Jamison
- Kane, Katharine
- Keltner, Samuel
- Leatherman, Terry
- Lenzie, Dawn
- Lively, Teresa
- Madore, Brad
- Manteuffel, Robert
- Martin, Chelsea
- Mason, Adam
- McCollum, Jennifer
- McConnell, Lori
- McDaniel, Mark
- McKenzie, Patrick
- McKim, Anna
- Metcalf, TeNeal
- Middleton, Tamara
- Milligan, Ashley
- Miracle, Sarah
- Morrison, Angela
- Moser, Charles
- Moss, Stephen
- Murrey, Dudley
- Nye, Meleah
- Ohan, Christopher
- Olivarez, Javier
- Parisi, Josh
- Penney, Kent
- Petty, Krystal
- Pladziewicz, Cynthia
- Raper, Cheryl
- Reynolds, Sharon
- Sasser, Hiram
- Sauer, Courtney
- Seaman, Rebecca Martin
- Senie, Alexander
- Smith, Justin
- Sommers, Isaac
- Spady, Kim
- Stehling, Ann
- Swan, Shelley
- Tang, Quynh
- Tony, Bryan
- Tooley, Joe
- Trappey, John
- Troell, Tami
- Turner, Andrew
- Turner, Elaine
- Waite, Amanda
- Webb, Chandler
- Welton, Patricia
- Williams, Chris
- Wirskye, Sarah
- Yager, Matthew
- Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld
- Carrington, Coleman, Sloman & Blumenthal, LLP
- Howard Payne University, Brownwood, TX
- Allen, Mark
- Baroody, Theodore
- Beasley, Kathleen
- Blankman, Wesley and Kristi
- Camp, Martin
- Chadwick, Michelle Daniel
- Cheng, Alfred
- Chitty, B.Michael
- Cimaglia, John
- Cooper, Michael
- Cosby, Michael
- Crawford, Kelly O'Connor
- Dacus, John
- Darnold, Douglas
- Erman, Bryan
- Furness, Aimee Minick
- Green, Ashley
- Hafer, Vicki
- Hancock, S. Lee
- Hine, Kelly
- Hodges, Jim
- Iglesias, David
- Jones, Christin
- Key, Chad
- Martin, Gregg
- Martin, Patricia Patton
- McBee, Barry
- McLaughlin, Leslie
- Meadows, William
- Mesa, Block
- Oklahoma City University School of Law, Oklahoma City, OK
- Porter, William
- Rundell, Thomas
- Shoffner, Mark
- Siebman, Clyde
- Smith, Mark
- State Bar of Texas, Austin, TX
- Texas Wesleyan University, Fort Worth, Texas
- Thompson, Daniel
- Tyler, John
- Vassar, David
- Vineyard, Laurence
- White, David
- Whitlock, Brad
- Wick, Phillips
- Wiese, Larry
- Williams, Lon
- YMCA, Texas
- Aaron, Dan
- Ackels, Lawrence
- Arnold, William Lane
- Biery, Fred
- Campbell, Rhett
- Cavin, Guyle
- Figley, Paul
- Franklin, Brent
- Fry, Theron
- Graham Realty Company,
- Hecht, Nathan
- Johnson, Thomas
- Locke Lord, LLP
- Lowy, Martin
- Rice, Darrel Alan
- Schiffman, Lisa
- Schreiner University, Kerrville, TX
- SMU, Dedman School of Law
- Taiber Kosmala, LLP
- Wick Phillips Attorneys
- Akins, Ferris
- Drumm, David
- Henry, Matthew
- Levy, Kevin
- Link, James
- Moran, Tonya
- Morris, Kenneth
- O'Brien, Mark O' Connor
- Pishny, Lyle
- Reed, Toni Scott
- Rogers, C.Gregory
- Carter, John
- Elliston, Gary
- Finch, Norman
- Gavin, Timothy
- Higginbotham, Scott
- Hutcheson, Shannon
- King, Stephen
- Klepinger, Bruce
- Methenitis, William
- Moore, Charles
- Paulowsky, Michael
- Pfeiffer, Philip
- Rowe, Roger
- Brook, Steven
- Caver, James Paul
- Chan, Alfonso
- Foran, Joseph William
- Goldean, Paul
- Haley, David
- Holmes, James
- Property Advisers Realty, Jerry Reis
- Bates, Tim
- Reis, Jerry
Planned Giving
Planned giving:
If you have benefited from Congressman Sumners' gift and would like to follow his example with a planned gift benefiting the Sumners Foundation, please know that we accept any of the following:
- Designation as a beneficiary in a will or living trust.
- Designation as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
- Designation as a beneficiary of a deferred annuity policy.
- Designation as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or other investment account.
- Designation as a payable on death beneficiary for deposit accounts.
- Designation as a transfer on death beneficiary for securities.
- Designation as a beneficiary of one of the following life income agreements:
- - Charitable lead trust
- - Charitable remainder trust